Our Mission
The mission of the Ingham County Medical Society Alliance is focused upon collaboration in order to advance the health of our community.
We advocate, educate and engage our members and citizens to recognize and implement healthy programs and practices.
Dear ICMSA Members and Future Members,
Please don't count the years of my Presidency...as there may be bylaws that require amendment or replacement in order to keep my position a legal one! Despite my possible impeachment potential, I can honestly say, however, that it has been an honor to serve as the Ingham County Medical Society Alliance President no matter how long in the teeth I may become!
Our history has a significant place in our state legacy. Five Presidents from ICMSA have advanced to the Presidency of the Michigan State Medical Society Alliance and worked tirelessly to serve the mission of our organization. Many of our Presidents have served at the National level for the AMAA and our potential for future positions of significance is not disappearing.
Every organization needs a percentage of new members and we strive to meet this goal each year. If you are a current member, please recruit a new member. If you know of potential members, please direct them to this website to join us and encourage others as well. I know the shared collaboration of our efforts is a selling point for continued participation. We just need you to find the time, make the choice and lend a hand.
Lisa Hildorf, President

Lisa Hildorf
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